Year-End Home Transformation: Budgeting, DIY, and Eco-Friendly Tips

There are many things that may end up at the bottom of your to-do list. For example, you may put off doing your laundry or having a difficult conversation with a friend. However, a recent study found that home improvements also tend to find their way to the bottom of your lists, with approximately three-thirds of homeowners delaying them for months at a time. 

There are many reasons why you may delay carrying out home improvement or renovation tasks. For example, given the rising cost of living, you may be worried about how much you’ll have to spend on this project, whether you’re redecorating your entire home or a single room. After all, there are many different costs associated with home improvements, including: 

  • Material/Supply costs

  • Handyman/Contractor costs 

You may also be concerned about the amount of time it will take, especially if you’re already contending with a busy schedule. After all, the last thing you’d want to do after a long and stressful day at work is grab your overalls and start repainting the living room or kitchen.  However, it's important to remember that there’s never a perfect or ideal time to do anything - meaning if you’re looking for an excuse, you’ll always find one. This means that you’ll never make any home improvements! 

With that in mind, my expert friend and I put together a list of six home improvements that you can make before the end of the year. This way, you can welcome in 2024 in style instead of thinking about everything you still have to do.

Tip no. 01: Set your budget.

As mentioned above, home renovation projects can quickly get expensive. As such, it is important that you set yourself a strict budget ahead of time. Otherwise, you may spend a little too freely, whether you’re hiring a handyman or choosing new wallpaper for your bedroom. 

If your budget is on the smaller side, don’t worry. There are many different ways in which you can cut back on spending when redecorating your home. For example, you could buy furniture second-hand at local thrift stores or online, which can save you a great deal of money. This is a great example of budget-friendly home decor

Tip no. 02: Start with essential maintenance.

Before you can get started on the more ‘fun’ tasks typically associated with renovating your home, such as choosing a new color scheme or picking out furniture, you need to address any glaring maintenance issues within your home. In fact, this should be considered a priority, especially as, if unchecked, maintenance issues can lead to long-term damage to your property. Furthermore, the longer you delay working on these tasks, the more money you’ll have to spend on fixing them.

Even if you think your home is in good condition, you should kickstart this process by conducting a thorough inspection of your property, paying close attention to areas that you don’t usually spend time in, such as your attic or basement.

tip no. 03: Part ways with Clutter. 

While clutter may feel like part of the furniture within your home (especially when you consider that the average adult hasn’t decluttered their house for two-and-a-half years), you’d be surprised at how much nicer your home would look without it. 

After all, if you have clutter on every visible surface, your home is bound to look cramped, messy, and claustrophobic.  Clutter is also a magnet for allergens, bacteria, and dust, which could mean that its presence in your home leaves you vulnerable to sickness.

So, to put it simply, the clutter has to go, and it has to go now! 

There are many different decluttering methods you might want to try out during this time. For example, you could watch the Mari Kondi Netflix series, which is built around the concept of throwing things away that no longer “spark joy.” Alternatively, you may want to invest in more storage options, so you have a place to store items that aren’t on the countertop! 

tip no. 04: Bring in the professionals.

There are many benefits associated with hiring professionals to assist you in your home renovation project, no matter how good your DIY skills may be. After all, they have the expertise and knowledge required to do jobs well the first time, and the same cannot always be said for your own DIY efforts!

Furthemore, by hiring someone to do the heavy lifting on your behalf, you’re also freeing up a lot of time in your schedule and saving yourself a lot of energy. As such, you may want to reach out to local contractors, such as a member of the team at Alpha Living, ahead of time. This way, you’ll receive the support you need and can rest easy knowing your home is in good hands. 

tip no. 05: Focus on being Eco-Friendly.

Transforming your home is not only about making ‘visible’ changes. For example, you may want to focus on tasks that make the space more eco-friendly. Not only will this benefit the environment, but it could also be good for your bank account! 

For example, by addressing some of the sustainability issues in your home, such as a lack of efficiency, you can start to save thousands of dollars each year in energy bills. Considering energy bills are at an all-time high right now, this kind of benefit cannot be ignored. There are many ways in which you could make your home more energy efficient, such as by switching to a renewable energy source, installing solar panels, or sealing any gaps in your windows and door frames.

tip no. 06: Upcycle your Old Furniture.

As mentioned above, shopping second-hand is a great way to save money when redecorating your home. However, you don’t necessarily need to buy furniture in order to transform how the space looks. For example, you could upcycle or reupholster your furniture instead, breathing fresh life into pre-loved items. 

Of course, there are some expenses associated with this task. You’ll need to buy the right materials, such as paint, gloss, and varnish. However, these expenses are minimal when compared to the price tag of new furniture. Furthermore, revamping your furniture gives you the chance to personalize each item! 

As we move into the final months of the year, you may feel as though your schedule is full until 2024. However, finding the time to complete the above tasks now means that home repairs or renovations are no longer at the bottom of your to-do list. It also means that you can enjoy these changes sooner rather than later - as otherwise, you may find yourself putting them off for yet another year! 

While this may seem daunting, especially if you’ve not carried out any renovation work for several years, think about the benefits associated with this endevor. For example, if you enjoy hosting dinner parties, renovating communal spaces within your home (the kitchen, dining room, living room, etc.) means you can host a killer New Year’s Eve party this December! 

Alternatively, if you are struggling to sleep well, studies have found that redecorating your room could help! This is because you can take the time to curate a space that feels as relaxing as possible.

In short, while you may be able to think of a handful of reasons why you should delay your renovation project for a few more months - there are also many reasons why you shouldn’t delay. So, get started today and thank yourself tomorrow! 


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