7 Style Tips for Designing a Feminine Home

There is some modern debate as to what feminine really is. But for the sake of argument, let's go with what we can call classic femininity for designing a feminine home for the modern woman. And let's not split hairs here. Masculine and feminine designs are different, so consider these.

Lighter Hues and Vibrant Colors

A masculine design consists of straight geometry, hard materials, and dark colors. On the flip side, a feminine design often combines softer elements such as curves and pastels. Therefore, lighter hues of vibrant colors and shapes that are easier on the eyes are included. This could include peach shower curtains in the bathroom, psychedelic 70's style swirls for living room feature walls, and a combination of pastel blues, greens, yellows, and whites in the bedroom.

Designing a Feminine Home with Florals

If there is one thing associated more with women than men, it's flowers. This is not to suggest that men shouldn't be anywhere near floral designs, but they appeal and fit women more in a traditional sense. Not to mention the sensual and sexual connotations of the natural shapes of flowers, conveyed by countless artists for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Yet for decor, the floral print persists to this day, enduring almost all of the 20th century and well into this one.

Pink, Pink, and a Little More Pink

Like flowers, pink is associated with women and femininity, and you can see it all over the place in this regard. For instance, pink ribbons are worn to support female breast cancer. Yet a little-known fact is that before Barbie, pink was often used for baby boys and blue for baby girls. It matters little, of course, because pink is now a standard part of female design and fits well with modern decor styles when paired with creams, whites, and metals like gold and chrome.

A Look at the Styles of the Past

Like all kinds of fashion and design, we can learn from the past when looking for modern inspiration. As they say, nothing really goes out of fashion, and some of the most iconic design styles of the 20th century persist to this day. You just need to adapt them well for your decor:

  • Learn from the unique artistic expression of Art Nouveau and Art Deco.

  • Add a modern home improvement twist to styles like mid-century and sentimental.

  • Incorporate some classy materials associated with the golden age of Hollywood.

  • Take decluttering to a new level with some influence from the "innocent" 1940s style.

  • Geometric patterns were done best by designers in the 1970s and 1980s.

No two decor styles are more intriguing than Art Deco and Art Nouveau, and elements of them are still around today. The unintentional minimalism of the 1940s is lauded today as we shred too much stuff, and if you want soft geometry, then look no further than the bold '70s and '80s.

Get to Grips with Layered Lighting

One of the most complex modern decor subjects today is layered lighting. Layered lighting is the art and science of using light from different sources to entirely light a room. This is done using ambient lights such as ceiling lights set to a dimmer level. You make up the shortfall by carefully placing wall lights and lamps where the main lighting cannot reach. You can achieve moody results with softer lighting for a better overall design aesthetic across each room of the home.

Metals when Designing a Feminine Home

Metallic materials and finishes can be hard to work with because they aren't as soft as other materials. They also have various finishes that can be challenging to match across a design, unlike softer rugs and throws. Yet classic metals for feminine design include gold, silver, and the modern rose gold finishing. Chrome is often used sparingly across feminine designs as it is favored more in masculine design, yet it has its place for framing, mirrors, and light fittings.

How About a Bit of Luxury?

As a woman, you might enjoy a little luxury here and there, and there is nothing wrong with that. But how do you incorporate it into a modern decor design for femininity? Well, like most things, we can look to the past for inspiration. Did anyone do it better than classic Hollywood? Think Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, and Jean Harlow, and you get the idea. Pretty much all the things mentioned above will help you achieve a classic luxury look and feel across the board.


Lighter hues with vibrant colors will help you when designing a feminine home. The styles of the past, such as Art Deco, can also guide you when you need inspiration and ways to find luxury.


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