Self-Care With RepHresh

Hey ladies? We are officially in Fall Season!! If you missed it, I just shared a Denver Fall Guide and Fall Fashion Must-Haves, so definitely check that out! 

rephresh odor eliminating gel and pro-b

Wow, the last 7 months have changed so much and it’s definitely not what I imagined it would be. My routine in January has changed tremendously and thrown me off-balance. All of this change has made me realize how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle and take care of my body especially when I can't go to the doctors whenever I want like before. I wanted to hop on here and share some lady health with y’all. I just turned 24, and in the last year, I have learned that it is so important to take care of yourself even if you think you’re “fine.” I’ve been practicing vaginal health care in my reimaged self-care routine by incorporating RepHresh Odor-Eliminating Gel + Pro-B Probiotic Supplements. I have partnered up with RepHresh over on Instagram and will be gifting one lucky babe, a self-care duo package! 

rephresh odor eliminating gel and pro-b

A Little Backstory

I know a bunch of y’all are back in class while the rest are job chasing for our degree, but this doesn’t mean that we should be neglecting our lady health (especially if we are sexually active). A super TMI, personal story here, but I want to share how I first used the odor-eliminating gel. (Please, no judgment, haha?)

During my sophomore year in college, I just have gotten off my period for about a few days. I’m just living my life, school, work; you know the usual. It was one morning that I noticed that my lady area started to smell. I had no idea why. This has never happened to me before, and I always wash that area with special soap every day. I started to get so embarrassed because I thought people could smell it. I couldn’t stand it, so I had to rush to Walmart. And I immediately saw this box that said odor-eliminating gel. I went home, did my thing. It was better for a few days, no smell at all.

I honestly thought everything was back to normal. Then a week goes by, and the smell is back. My friend told me that I should get checked up by a doctor before retaking the gel. Book an appointment the next day and found out that a tampon somehow found it’s way up my lady part and caused the smell?. So, in the end, I have learned to double-check to see if a tampon is well, missing, haha. And that RepHresh Odor-Eliminating Gel works wonders!!

RepHresh Odor Eliminating Gel

rephresh odor eliminating gel

RepHresh™ Odor Eliminating Vaginal Gel is pH balancing and odor eliminating. Other products try to mask vaginal odor with deodorizing scents or perfumes, but RepHresh™ is clinically shown to get to the cause – unbalanced vaginal pH.

Rephresh Pro-B

Since then, my doctor has been educating me on my lady parts and how to take good care of it. In fact, she was the one who recommended the RepHresh Pro-B Probiotic to me, and I have been taking it daily ever since. 

rephresh pro-b

RepHresh™ Pro-B, a daily, clinically tested, vaginal probiotic supplement (taken orally) that puts you in control of your vaginal health by maintaining yeast and bacteria levels. Lactobacillus, yeast, and other bacteria are all naturally present in your body and optimum vaginal health occurs when there is a healthy balance of these elements. Pro-B actively works to balance vaginal pH and starts to work in just 7 days! 

Let’s make a pact right now to prioritize our vaginal health this year by incorporating RepHresh Odor-Eliminating Gel + Pro-B Probiotic Supplements. If you haven’t entered my giveaway, be sure to head to my Instagram and do that now (terms and conditions here)! And remember, ladies, take your vitamins daily and the minute you noticed anything, talk to your doctor!

*This post comes to you sponsored by Her Campus x RepHresh™.


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